Traffic Law Q&A with Shelly Schwartz

1. What is the most common traffic violation you are contacted for?


The faster you go, the greater chance of being stopped and possibility of a higher fine.

Did you know excessive speeding is now a misdemeanor?
26-35 miles per hour over the speed limit is classified as a Misdemeanor B.

36+ miles per hour over the limit is a Misdemeanor A, which is a very serious charge in the eyes of the court.

If convicted, your insurance will skyrocket, especially if you're a young driver.

Even under 26 mph, you should have representation. A good attorney can help preserve your insurance rates and driving record.

2. What is the biggest misconception about traffic law?

Just paying the ticket will not have a bad effect on your driving record. IT WILL!

Even if it is a speeding ticket that does not count as a misdemeanor, you absolutely want to keep it off your record, and a good attorney can do just that.

3. What's the difference between a moving violation and a red light ticket?

Red light tickets are a form of camera ticket. These usually do not go against your driving record and there are very few defenses if you get one. You must pay it on time or contest or it will double. Similar to unpaid parking tickets, if you have too many unpaid camera tickets, you can have your license suspended.

Any moving violation conviction can affect your driver's license and is kept on your driving record at the Secretary of State. Local police have access to that record, if needed. This is why you want to have legal representation.

A mark on your driving record can affect your insurance rates, rulings on future violations, and more.

4. What piece of advice would you give to drivers from a lawyer's perspective?

Leave early so you're not in a rush to get to where you're going. Be prepared for the unexpected, like sudden stops, to avoid violations or an accident.

Contact a lawyer like Shel Schwartz at The David Frank Law Group for any moving violation to understand the implications if you are convicted.

We want to help you preserve your record and rates!

Email Shel or call at (773) 255-6499


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